Bulletins from the Pacific Packet Radio Society - page 022

driven software. This was met with all kinds of comments, pro and con, but what Steve had to say made a lot of sen se if a sufficient hierarchy is implemented in the network.

AD71 presented an addressing scheme that utilized the address-detection feature of the protocol chips by using a self-assigned "magic" number which would cause the generation of an interrupt, setting into motion the full id-checking algorithm. This number could be sent to the local station node at network logon time. Most of the chips also allow for an "all call" address, and control of the selective receive function. From this it is plausible to work up something for at least the station nodes. Something such as this, is especially useful for busy multipoint switching nodes and other stations handling multiple virtual connections.

Conversation went back to the Internet Standard for a while and then the discussion turned to our next meeting. At the time of this writing, no date has been set, but a general agreement was made to meet at the ARRL in Newington, Ct. on one of the last Saturdays in March and again at the Dayton Hamvention during the last weekend of April. It should be noted that Paul Rinaldo, W4RI will be making a presentation at the Hamvention on packet radio. I am sure Paul is looking forward to a good

Prepared by,
J. Gordon Beattie Jr


Summary of Local Packet Radio Meeting Location: Wayne, NJ

Date: January 30, 1982


Carver Washburn, W2TFM (Host for this meeting)
Gordon Beattie, WB2CAM
Raymond Heisler, WA2PJV
Stephen Robinson, W2FPY

Protocols for networking were discussed in terms of black-box structures. This was done so that we could see how our local "wish-list" for network features, and our proposed local network topology would affect the local network and internet work procedures.

The local "wish-list" :

1. Group call-up: In amateur radio activities, it is desirable to send messages selectively to members of a group. If immediate response is unnecessary, this can be accomplished by store-and-forward techniques, with a copy forwarded to each terminal on the list. If immediate response is needed, as might occur in emergency/disaster coordination, or club voting, a "connectionless" form of

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