Bulletins from the Pacific Packet Radio Society - page 139

PID - Protocol ID, defines contents of TEXT field

xx00yyyy = Reserved, undefined at present
xx01nnnn = Reserved for AX.25 protocol
xx10nnnn = Reserved for AX.25 protocol
11110000 = plain text, no Level 3 protocol
xx11yyyy = Reserved, undefined at present

TEXT - Text field, 256 bytes maximum, ASCII code


T1 - Receive timeout, 2-3 seconds
T1S - Frame timeout, time for frame of maximum length
Tr - Delay time (random) prior to transmission of first frame of a sequence, 150 milliseconds to 1.25 seconds

The source reference for questions about this protocol is in the ANSI Standard Document X3.66 describing ADCCP. We use the Balanced Mode of operation, with sub-options 2, 4, 7, 8, and 11.

Hank Magnuski, KA6M
November 15th, 1982


To: ALL NO. CALIF. Packet users
Fr: CSU Chico packet group.
Re: CSU Chico packet repeater.
On: 1 - Dec -1982

The CSU Chico packet repeater is now on the air on 146.58 Mhz with the call WD6BPR/RPT. It operates low level from the CSU Chico campus with a home-brew J-pole antenna about 35 ft AGL.

We are using Bell 202 type modems out of the financial terminals Electrovalue Industrial in N.J. was selling. These modems are CCITT V.23 modems instead of BELL 202, however to convert them only requires changing two resistor values. For $55.00, we could not complain. We are using the modems and power supply from these terminals, and have not even touched the rest of the goodies.

We currently have two nodes and the repeater working, and a third node is under construction. We are using the VADCG TNC boards and various 2m rigs ranging from a Kenwood 2400 to a Yaesu FT-221 with equal success. A RBBS system will soon be online as soon as the software decides to work.

Any questions may be addressed to Jim (WD6BPR) (916) 893-0385 or Mike (WB6KTN) (916) 345-1966 or on 146.49 MHZ simplex.

Many thanks to Hank for all his help. Without his support

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