Bulletins from the Pacific Packet Radio Society - page 033

READ: 21 MAR 82 19:50:23

Sorry but the boards have not been sent yet. I still have to convince Don when I can catch him to send you the boards without the documentation. Al Mar is getting a final version of the schematic ready since Bob, VE7CYB is still pre-occupied with assembling and testing his 50 boards. He will still have to find time to put down the assembly instructions for everyone else who wishes to assemble their own. If you don't already have the EXAR spec sheet and apnotes, you might try getting them now for use when the boards arrive.

How is Packet Radio progressing in the Bay area? What sort of activities you have under way? As soon as we get the two pcb's under control I will be starting the process of adding a TNC to my ABBS so it will permit a mail drop function for the network. Also hope to use PR as a semi automatic long distance link for the ABBS telephone callers. (Thus starting the interesting debate of controlling third party traffic on PR.) What plans do you have for KA6M** along these lines?

If I haven't already given it to you, the VADCG ABBS is at 604 437-7001, 300 baud and starts up on DCD.

73 es cul
John, VE7ADE

FILE QST.82-03.25.0.N6ECT

Date: 25 March 1982
From: Curtis, N6ECT @PPRS:SFO
To: All Packet Stations

Copied exactly from the WESTLINK broadcast for amateur radio:

On Sunday March 7th, a group of Los Angeles based amateurs, NG6Q, KN6W, WA1ENX, and W6RFJ demonstrated packet radio to Dr. Robert Kahn, one of the primary developers of packet radio. Now what made this demonstration unique is that it took place in a Cessna 210 flying above the Los Angeles basin and in a van on the streets of Los Angeles. The four amateurs are all researchers at the Information Sciences Institute. An all assembled and multi-station packet radio system including a self-contained unit that can be used in a car, boat, or airplane. As Dr. Kahn was flown over the L.A. basin, this packet radio aboard the airplane was linked by 2 meters to a ground station at ISI .... ahhh but that's not the end of the story. The packet radio unit at ISI was connected to a computer network called ARPANET across the country to Arlington, Virginia, where Dr. Vince Cerf,, an associate of Dr. Kahns" sat at home in front of his Apple (tm) computer. Now information sent from the airplane went to ISI via amateur packet radio from there onto Virginia via the ARPANET and then into Dr. Cerf's house via the telephone. In addition to being used as a

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